8L Bucket With Stars
metal and ceramic;
40 x 35 x 35 cm
The starts are made of fired clay. Some bricks are made of the same material, thus it is easy to imagine that the ceramic stars are building blocks.
I grew up in a Communist country and for me the red star is aways a symbol of that system and ideology. This work is not political only, but expresses my troubles seeing a lot of westerners going to the place (metaphorically) in which I was raised until 1989. SS
2009 – Shortlist 2009 – Gaudenz B. Ruf Award, Rayko Aleksiev Gallery, Sofia
2010 – “Qui Vive?” 2nd Moscow International Biennale for Young Art; Liberty, MmoMA (catalogue); Curators: Sergey Yerkov and Daria Kamyshnikova