Deep Calls Deep
sisal sack, wooden slats, acrylic paint, fasteners;
120 x 200 x 200 cm
tailor – Paul Ihuthia (Limuru, Kenya)
carpenter – Kaloyan Kostov (Dobrich, Bulgaria)
photo: Kalin Serapionov
The deep, the abyss, it can cause delight in the human consciousness. But it can also terrify. The image of this thundering invocation, between two indescribable spaces from Psalm 42:7 has amazed me. I have always understood the phrase “deep calls to deep” like a phrase relating to the supreme gravitational need for a connection between the human soul and God. However, the poetry here can be found in the meaning of unstoppable turbulent waves, which symbolize despair and nagging problems. The deep dark waters.
My “abysses” are staring upwards and also to each other, but they aren’t empty. They are filled with vacuum, because there is beauty in the unknown and the need.
2024 – DOG DAYS, Structura Gallery, Sofia; curated by Marina Slavova

DOG DAYS Exhibition opening.