canal fan and mixed media – tubes, pipes, tape…
340 x 340 x 16 cm
Project description
The Collider* is a (pseudo) scientific instrument provoking the fantasy of the viewer who has to imagine the movement of the air (and its particles, including quarks, muon, neutrino, etc.) in the pipes, generated from a powerful flow fan. This Collider, unlike its prototype – The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, explores the field beyond the current knowledge of science – the big unknown that lies beyond these 4% of the matter in the universe, from which our world consists the way we know it and those that humanity has explored.
Theoretical physics creates hypothetical models (Standard Model, String Theory...) and is aiming to explain and systematize the world and its processes. These theories subsequently are confirmed or rejected by experimental physics. On the other hand the development of art influences the development of science and science often gives to art new tools and subjects of inspiration.
Somewhere in this series of interactions is my Collider, which will participate in a science experiment at the end of the exhibition. It will determine the results of the 22-day (the duration of the exhibition) acceleration of air particles. By inducing a foot smashing impact on the softest part of the circle (the blue bag) I will try to find particles (some people call them God Particles) unknown until now (though some people pretend they found it). SS
*Or “Accelerator”
2014 – Theoretical (Pseudo) Science, Contemporary Space, Varna, Bulgaria