H2O Project - the circle of the water
2012, 2021
Mixed media:
Objects – dehumidifier, water machine and cups;
Interactive installation with variable dimensions: moisture, distilled water, bodies, air
Project description
The distilled water is drunk by the visitors who return some of it to the air. The circle continues during the exhibition period.
Produced by:
Cultural Centre of Belgrade for the 53rd October Salon – Good Life Exhibition.
Sarieva @ DOT, Sofia for Future Unforgettable
2012 – 53rd Belgrade October Salon; GOOD LIFE/ГУД ЛАЈФ (Physical narratives and spatial imaginations); Location: Old Geodesic Institute, 48 Karadjordjeva Street, Belgrade; Curators: Branislav Dimitrijevic and Mika Hannula
2021 – Future Unforgettable, Sarieva @ DOT, Sofia; Curator: Vesselina Sarieva