My Garage for Bugatti Veyron
wood, reused banner vinyl, silver paint
126 x 220 x 467 cm
Project description
At the basis of this project stands a phenomenon which in the past was typical for the city environment in Bulgaria. Many men used to make “do-it-yourself” kind of garages for their own cars, right next to their homes, usually in apartment buildings. They were made in the shape of the car that will be kept inside with little bigger dimensions than the size of the car itself, so it was almost impossible for these garages to be used for cars of a different model or brand. At the same time one would need very little imagination to guess what kind of a car was there under the fitted iron sheets. Echoing the same principle I decided to design and create “My Garage for Bugatti Veyron”, without really possessing such a car. I took its dimensions from the Internet. Actually I have never seen a Bugatti Veyron in real life. SS
“My Garage for Bugatti Veyron” received the annual award (2009) of Stalker Studio for “European consciousness and significant contribution to the development of Bulgarian design”.
2009 – BAZA Award for Contemporary Art, Sofia Art Gallery, Bulgaria; Curator: Daniela Radeva

Part of the research and the final product.

Examples of DIY garages from Dobrich, Bulgaria.

More garage designs.