The Leg of The Independence


MDF, paint, umbrella, wooden snake, transparent acrylic glass, screws 
120 x 150 x 40 cm



This work is a monument dedicated to Georgi Markov – Bulgarian journalist, writer and dissident, who was killed in London in 1978 (I was 3 years old that time) from a secret agent with an umbrella, known later as “The Bulgarian umbrella”. The agent with a codename “Piccadilly” killed Georgi Markov, by firing a poison in his leg and in a few days Mr. Markov died. 11 years later the regime that was afraid of Markov’s words failed, that’s why the head of the snake in my installation is crushed. For the concept of The Leg of The Independence I strongly refer to the firs book of The Bible where God speaks to Eve, predicting the future liberation from the slavery of sin in which the humanity just fall into. Genesis chapter 3, verse 15 God says to the serpent: “he [the offspring of Eve] shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
Today freedom of speech is threatened, not only by political regimes but by corporate interests. SS

“After relocating to the West, he worked as a broadcaster and journalist for the BBC World Service, the US-funded Radio Free Europe, and Germany’s Deutsche Welle. Markov used such forums to conduct a campaign of sarcastic criticism against the incumbent Bulgarian regime. As a result of this, it has been speculated that the Bulgarian government may have decided to silence him, and may have asked the KGB for help. He died as a result of an incident on a London street when a micro-engineered pellet containing ricin was fired into his leg via an umbrella wielded by someone associated with the Bulgarian secret police.” Source:


2009 – Born Independent, Shipka 6 Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria